Episode 12 – Using the Internet to start and play Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition and other games.

Tinderbox in German is…Zunderbüchse not what James thought….. FlamenStrikenBox

Episode 12 - Using the Internet to start and play Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition and other games.

Join Dan, James, and their guest Bob as they talk about how they started a group two years ago that now has over 200 members and birthed GROGTALK…. what worked, what didn’t. The best advice if you are not play is start a group and take the initiative. Then they give you their suggestion of the week.

GROGTALK posts episodes every week and is available at www.grogcon.com/podcast/ Subscribe via iTunes and Google Play or connect to our feed – https://www.grogcon.com/feed/podcast. GROGTALK is on YouTube and on Twitter (@GROGTALK)!!!

2 replies on “Episode 12 – Using the Internet to start and play Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition and other games.”

It´s the German from Bob´s group and I very much appreciate the world he has opened to me! I´ve met really awesome people and I´ve been able to let my fantasy explode haha.
If anyone is contemplating starting a group, I´d highly recommend it, you don´t have to know anything about D&D to start playing this game. And I bet you´ll be as lucky as me with finding someone as cool as Bob to get you started!
Thank you to all the role players out there for being part of this amazing world of skilled, creative and nice people! 🙂

Hello Lea,

Thank you for taking time to let us know how role playing means to you. Bob is a great guy and have a great time playing with him. Bob is a wonderful ambassador to roleplaying. If we can help anyone start playing, just let us know.

Roll/Role on!


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