Episode 13 – Tiers of play Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition.

Episode 13 - Tiers of play Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition.

Join Dan and James as they discuss the tiers of play and what the advantages and challenges of each tier. Then they give you their suggestion of the week. Apology to the audio issues in the beginning of the podcast. New technology is awesome….

GROGTALK posts episodes every week and is available at www.grogcon.com/podcast/ Subscribe via iTunes and Google Play or connect to our feed – https://www.grogcon.com/feed/podcast. GROGTALK is on YouTube and on Twitter (@GROGTALK)!!!

Episode 12 – Using the Internet to start and play Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition and other games.

Episode 12 - Using the Internet to start and play Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition and other games.

Join Dan, James, and their guest Bob as they talk about how they started a group two years ago that now has over 200 members and birthed GROGTALK…. what worked, what didn’t. The best advice if you are not play is start a group and take the initiative. Then they give you their suggestion of the week.

GROGTALK posts episodes every week and is available at www.grogcon.com/podcast/ Subscribe via iTunes and Google Play or connect to our feed – https://www.grogcon.com/feed/podcast. GROGTALK is on YouTube and on Twitter (@GROGTALK)!!!

Episode 11 – Alignment in Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition

Episode 11 - Alignment in Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition

Join James and Dan as they talk about alignment…. a topic that many words, arguments, and memes have covered so they figured they should join the fray. Then they give you their suggestion of the week.

GROGTALK posts episodes every week and is available at www.grogcon.com/podcast/ Subscribe via iTunes and Google Play or connect to our feed – https://www.grogcon.com/feed/podcast. GROGTALK is on YouTube and on Twitter (@GROGTALK)!!!

Episode 10 Appendix A – The Party Gathers

Episode 10 Appendix A - The Party Gathers

Join James and Dan as they create the story of Glade and Picksy.

GROGTALK posts episodes every week and is available at www.grogcon.com/podcast/ Subscribe via iTunes and Google Play or connect to our feed – https://www.grogcon.com/feed/podcast. GROGTALK is on YouTube and on Twitter (@GROGTALK)!!!

Episode 10 – Campaigns in Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition

Episode 10 - Campaigns in Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition

Join James and Dan as they talk about campaigns…. what are they, do you need them, how to select one or should you create your own. Then they give you their suggestion of the week.

GROGTALK posts episodes every week and is available at www.grogcon.com/podcast/ Subscribe via iTunes and Google Play or connect to our feed – https://www.grogcon.com/feed/podcast. GROGTALK is on YouTube and on Twitter (@GROGTALK)!!!

Episode 9 APPX A – The Adventure Continues

Episode 9 APPX A - The Adventure Continues

Join James and Dan as they create the story of Glade and Picksy. When we last left our heroes…. Picksy was felled by an goblin and Glade was deciding her next move. Will they find each other again?

GROGTALK posts episodes every week and is available at www.grogcon.com/podcast/ Subscribe via iTunes and Google Play or connect to our feed – https://www.grogcon.com/feed/podcast. GROGTALK is on YouTube and on Twitter (@GROGTALK)!!!

Episode 9 – Live at GARYCON XI

Episode 9 - Live at GARYCON XI

Join James and Dan and Dan’s friend Joe as they talk about GARYCON XI. Together they discuss how the convention is going and Dan gives tips and advice in preparing and running an adventure!

GROGTALK posts episodes every week and is available at www.grogcon.com/podcast/ Subscribe via iTunes and Google Play or connect to our feed – https://www.grogcon.com/feed/podcast. GROGTALK is on YouTube and on Twitter (@GROGTALK)!!!

Episode 8 – Satanic Panic with the Smog on the Nog Podcast

Episode 8 - Satanic Panic with the Smog on the Nog Podcast

As Dan heads to GaryCon, James joins Brandon and Jordon from Smog on the Nog podcast to make…. Smog on the Grog! Together they discuss the Satanic Panic and what happened during the 80’s and 90’s.

GROGTALK posts episodes every week and is available at www.grogcon.com/podcast/ Subscribe via iTunes and Google Play or connect to our feed – https://www.grogcon.com/feed/podcast. GROGTALK is on YouTube and on Twitter (@GROGTALK)!!!


Smog on the Nog – www.smogonthenog.com

Episode 7 – Downtime in 1st Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons

Episode 7 - Downtime in 1st Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons

Gather your party and hear how 1st Edition is played and get insights on how you can start your own game. In Word of Recall, Dan and James discuss what happens after the adventure. They will review the rules as written while providing some advice on how to streamline should someone be a new DM or want the game to move quickly. Finally they suggest something for you to make your old school gaming life complete.

GROGTALK posts episodes every week and is available at www.grogcon.com/podcast/ Subscribe via iTunes and Google Play or connect to our feed – https://www.grogcon.com/feed/podcast. GROGTALK is on YouTube and on Twitter (@GROGTALK)!!!


The Pelinore non-official compilation – https://www.therpgsite.com/showthread.php?30935-The-Collected-Pelinore

Episode 6 – Combat in 1st Edition AD&D

Episode 6 - Combat in 1st Edition AD&D

Gather your party and hear how 1st Edition is played and get insights on how you can start your own game. In Word of Recall, Dan and James discuss how combat works in 1st edition AD&D. They will review the rules as written while providing some advice on how to streamline should someone be a new DM or want the game to move quickly. Finally they suggest something for you to make your old school gaming life complete.

GROGTALK posts episodes every week and is available at www.grogcon.com/podcast/ Subscribe via iTunes and Google Play or connect to our feed – https://www.grogcon.com/feed/podcast. GROGTALK is on YouTube and on Twitter (@GROGTALK)!!!


ADDICT pdf that explains 1st edition combat – https://idiscepolidellamanticora.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/addict.pdf DMG errata – https://www.acaeum.com/library/errata_dmg.html
Dragon 74 cover – https://www.pinterest.com/pin/333970128601714870/
Old School Gaming Primer – https://froggodgames.com/frogs/product/a-quick-primer-for-old-school-gaming-pdf/

Episode 5 – The adventure concludes and Encounters in 1st Edition AD&D

Episode 5 - The adventure concludes and Encounters in 1st Edition AD&D

In this episode, John and Glades enter the underground tomb to save the Elissa and Picksy from the gang of Goblins. Gather your party (00:02:52) and hear how 1st Edition is played and get insights on how you can start your own game. In Word of Recall (00:49:55), Dan and James discuss how encounters work in 1st edition AD&D. Finally they cast Suggestion (02:07:17) to make your old school gaming life complete.

GROGTALK posts episodes every week and is available at www.grogcon.com/podcast/ Subscribe via iTunes and Google Play or connect to our feed – https://www.grogcon.com/feed/podcast. GROGTALK is on YouTube and on Twitter!!!


Mistakes during play… Are they important?

I am listening back to the recorded gameplay to get the podcast uploaded. Not being used to hearing my gameplay, I hear I made some mistakes in rulings and also in allowing Dan to do things the characters shouldn’t have done. For example, I had thought that the scythe trap would only trigger if a creature was 100 pounds or greater. When Glade (88 pounds) was running back after fleeing the goblins, I said it went off again, requiring a dex check. Well first dex checks are really not a thing in 1E, at least not early on. The trap should have went off or not, which clearly it shouldn’t have. Glade made her role but still it was not a right ruling. How many more of these are there floating around during a session?

The question is are they important and if so when? We slowed the game down when we thought the characters could be killed in combat but this could have ended the session. When do you go back and fix mistakes?

For me, I try to always give an out incase I make a catastrophic mistake. The challenge is making the out plausible to the players. Assuming Glade didn’t die outright, they could have been captured and then perhaps John, who was going to follow them if asked (but they didn’t), catches up and defeats the remaining monsters (because he is of course a 4th level retired fighter who sends 1st level characters to save his daughter). I am not sure this would feel great.

Another option they could have lived and watched Elissa die, then given a chance to escape and deal with their setback.

My advice is give yourself a few moments to think of something and then read the room, do they feel the game is over, or are they looking for something to keep it moving forward. If you can live with the scenario, then you have done well.

Rulings you’re not happy with can always be fixed by saying that going forward this is how it will be. You need players who are going to help you stick with the “correct” ruling.

What other mistakes the Dan or I make during the last two sessions? Listen to episodes 3 and 4.

Episode 4 – The Adventure Continues and Exploration in 1st Edition AD&D

Episode 4 - The Adventure Continues and Exploration in 1st Edition AD&D

In this episode, Picksy and Glades enter the underground tomb? to save the Blacksmith’s daughter Elissa from some unknown horror. Gather your party (04:14) and hear how 1st Edition is played and get insights on how you can start your own game. In Word of Recall (56:08), Dan and James discuss how exploring the environment works in 1st edition AD&D. Finally they suggest (1:56:06) something for you to make your old school gaming life complete.

GROGTALK posts episodes every week and is available at www.grogcon.com/podcast/ Subscribe via iTunes and Google Play or connect to our feed – https://www.grogcon.com/feed/podcast. GROGTALK is on YouTube and on Twitter!!!